About Dotty


A little about me...

Growing up in a rural area of Minnesota and spending a good amount of time alone with animals and plants in woods and fields was an important part of my evolution as a person.

Being sensitive allowed me to feel energies, and that has been a gift and a challenge for as long as I can remember.  

I often picked up emotions of those around me, but at the time, I did not really understand that this was happening. So I just felt confused and uncomfortable without knowing why.

I felt like I was “different.” I was easily overloaded from stimuli and often felt awkward or downright ill. Headaches and vomiting were not uncommon. I regularly got “sick” on special occasions, including my own birthday.  

I still am challenged with being in noisy crowds and chaos and still love to be quietly with nature and dear ones. Thankfully, though, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve gotten much better at managing my sensitivities.

An important innate gift in my life has been Trust. At times I have gotten bruised in human interactions, a learning and discerning challenge. But it has allowed me to Trust the loving supporting flow of the Universe, and I am constantly delighted as we play with creating scenarios. 

Only looking back do I realize that the odd skills of milking cows and sheep, especially dealing with mastitis, and with birthing multiple lambs and breech calves, and finally with spinning wool, developed the tools and sensitivity I use now in my work.  

Animals are such great recipients, since they have no interfering belief resistances.  I have had amazing, satisfying delights in working with elephants, hummingbirds, iguana, and preying mantis, (or is that praying mantis?)  Lots of domestic animals too, of course:  pigs, dogs, cats, horses.  

I support myself and my ability to do the work I do with fresh organic food and various physical workouts, including yoga, tai chi, NIA and gardening. 

It is my intent to have the highest quality of life I possibly can.  My support community of family, friends, and clients (lots of overlap there) is my greatest wealth. I am deeply grateful for the people in my life and for all the pleasures and lessons that life with others brings.  

I often get credit for wisdom that really is just brought through me, and in many cases, I do not remember the insights I receive and share during AcuRelease sessions. Just one more reason I love doing what I do — it’s a constant flow of discovery.